Small town farm girl from Nebraska, needed to get out and see the world so I went to the Naval Academy in Annapolis. Played volleyball, received a flight billet and started flight training. Chose helicopters and moved to San Diego (loved it) did a fleet tour and ten month deployment to the Middle East.

Became a flight instructor back in Florida, launched jets off an aircraft carrier then went back to Florida to fly my bird...MH-60 Romeo Seahawk. Picked up an exchange job flying Australian navy helicopters and have been loving every minute! Been in the navy 11 years and still living in a mans world...🤙but I love my green onesie flight suit too much and my bird too much to do anything else yet! Living and loving life to the fullest from 500’ above the ground. Best office view in the world! 🚁❤️
R E S P E C T 🙌🏼
Insta 📸 @_kt34ann_ (Wish granted @calmcf 😜)